Questions & Answers about Eye Cancers
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- Q.
I have ocular melanoma and there is very little written about it. Do you have any websites or places you would recommend for more information?
A.Melanomas begin in cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes produce the skin pigment called melanin which gives skin its color. While the majority of melanomas form on the skin, melanocytes are also present in other tissues of the body. When melanoma forms in the eye, it is know as ocular melanoma. Ocular melanoma is the most common form of eye cancer in adults, and accounts for five percent of all melanomas. It is estimated that every year 2,500 adults living in the United States will be diagnosed with ocular melanoma.
The Ocular Melanoma Foundation provides information and support resources.
Other organizations that might also be helpful to you include:
Finally, the National Cancer Institute offers up-to-date treatment information: Intraocular (Eye) Melanoma Treatment.