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CancerCare and Elephants and Tea are hosting a free virtual writing workshop for the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) cancer community!

Elephants and Tea facilitators will lead a 90-minute workshop for young adults navigating a cancer diagnosis, which will highlight the benefits of using narrative therapy as a tool for self-expression during their cancer journey. In a relaxed, safe environment, participants will learn to use journaling as a tool to manage emotions and feelings that are present during a diagnosis and throughout treatment. The facilitators will guide attendees through writing prompts and facilitate open discussions, providing opportunities to connect with peers and share experiences of navigating a cancer diagnosis as a young adult. By utilizing narrative therapy, participants will be empowered to share their stories by writing, speaking and processing their experiences with peers throughout this workshop and beyond.

Date & Time
Wednesday, October 2, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. ET

To Register or Learn More

Register here.

This program is open to national clients and is free, but pre-registration via Zoom is required. For more information, please email Hayley Feuchs at or call our Hopeline at 800-813-HOPE (4673).

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