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Topics Covered

  • Overview of Blood Cancer Treatments
  • Understanding Treatment Side Effects
  • Working with Your Health Care Team to Manage Each Treatment Side Effects
  • Dealing with Blood Cancer Treatments & Other Co-Morbid Health Treatments
  • Adjusting to Your Blood Cancer Treatment Over Time
  • The Importance of Taking Your Blood Cancer Treatment on Schedule – Adherence
  • Can I Take My Medications at Any Time of the Day?
  • The Value of Time of Day Consistency in Taking Your Pills
  • Challenges to Taking Your Treatment on Schedule
  • Practical Tips & Opportunities to Overcome Them
  • Review of Resources to Remind You to Take Your Pills on Schedule
  • Planning Ahead: Lead Time in Refilling Prescriptions, Weekends, Travel & Holidays
  • Communicating with Your Hematology Oncology Team About Adherence, Including Your Pharmacist
  • Questions for Our Panel of Experts

Our Panel of Experts


Guadalupe R. Palos, DrPH, MSW, RN

Former Clinical Protocol Administration Manager, Office of Cancer Survivorship, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Author and Researcher in Adherence, Health Care Disparities, Caregiving & Survivorship


Lisa M. Thompson, PharmD, BCOP

Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator Supervisor, PGY2 Oncology Pharmacy Residency Program Director, Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center


Elizabeth K. O’Donnell, MD

Clinical Director of Early Detection and Prevention of Cancer, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School


Kevin Radelet

Executive Director, Leukemia Research Foundation


Carolyn Messner, DSW, BCD, FAPOS, FAOSW

Senior Director of Education and Training, CancerCare


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Workshop Date

This workshop was originally recorded on June 11, 2024.

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The information presented in this workshop is provided for your general information only. It is not intended as medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified health professionals who are aware of your specific situation. We encourage you to take information and questions back to your individual health care provider as a way of creating a dialogue and partnership about your cancer and your treatment.

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