My name is Susan, and I am a breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer on August 17, 2007, and on Sept 17, 2007, I had my first mastectomy. Chemotherapy was my medical protocol along with estrogen suppressor drugs since then. A year after the first mastectomy, same date in September, I started the breast reconstruction process. It did not go well, several surgeries later, I was worn out and wondering what else was ahead. I was living in Tampa, FL at the time, far away from my daughter and grandchildren in New York, yet CancerCare was a click away on the internet and phone. They remain one of my support systems.
At first I was shocked, then mad, had a great cry, then decided, well, since I want to live, this is one battle I must take on. I followed my oncologist’s instructions and quickly learned to keep those who spoke life to me around and set a boundary with those who spoke death to me and over me.
The support groups at CancerCare were amazing! There were so many helpful tips to make this journey more manageable. Connecting with others fighting the fight as well as those who support and love them were also helpful. CancerCare has sent me publications, helped me with financial assistance for transportation to and from chemotherapy, and provided me with counseling when I was feeling overwhelmed. I also found the educational workshops helpful.
I have found the love from people, the support, the advocates, the positive resources and the expertise from those who have gone on this journey before me! My faith in God and the healing scriptures also helped me tremendously. I read them daily as I took my chemo and then daily as I woke up and went to bed, whatever time that was!