Ways to support CancerCare in your will and estate plans
- Bequest
- Securities
- Retirement Plans
- Life Insurance
How to include CancerCare in your will
It can be as simple as including the following language in your will:
“I give _____% of my residuary estate to CancerCare, 275 Seventh Avenue, 22nd Floor, New York, NY 10001. CancerCare’s tax identification number is 13-1825919.”
“I give _____$ of my residuary estate to CancerCare, 275 Seventh Avenue, 22nd Floor, New York, NY 10001. CancerCare’s tax identification number is 13-18-25919.”
If you would like more information or if you have already included CancerCare in your estate plans, we would be pleased to discuss, in confidence, the benefits of joining The 1944 Legacy Society.
Please reach out to Brooke Griffin, Assistant Director of Individual Giving, at bgriffin@cancercare.org or 212-712-8369.