A Message From Our CEO
Dear friends,
Like the rest of the world, I have been horrified by the tragedies that have taken place across the country. The tragedy is not only the death of George Floyd but the deaths of so many others; the tragedy is the systemic injustice and inequality that has led to this continued loss of life.
At CancerCare, we strive to eliminate as many barriers to our programs and services as possible. Our counseling, educational and financial resources are available free of charge to anyone affected by cancer regardless of race, gender and sexual identity, immigration status and insurance coverage.
We know that cancer does not discriminate, and we have worked hard to establish safe, inclusive spaces for those whose experiences are affected by the ways that they are seen and perceived by the outside world. We will continue to create and protect these spaces for our clients in recognition of the fact that being impacted by cancer is only one facet of a person’s complex identity.
Together, the collective power of our choices, voices and actions can drive real change. As a nation united, we can do better. We must do better!
Patricia J. Goldsmith
Chief Executive Officer