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Topics Covered

  • Review of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • Significant Role of Testing in Informing Treatment Choices
  • First-Line Treatment Options
  • Treatment for Relapsed & Refractory CLL
  • Re-Testing Importance in Determining Treatment for 2nd & 3rd Line Treatments
  • Current Perspectives on New & Emerging Treatments of CLL
  • Updates on Clinical Trials & Their Significance for CLL
  • Key Questions to Ask & Re-Ask Your CLL Health Care Team
  • Practical & Psychosocial Support to Cope with CLL
  • Questions for Our Panel of Experts

Our Panel of Experts


Erin Mulvey, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Weill Cornell Medicine


Deborah M. Stephens, DO

Associate Professor of Medicine, Director of the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Richter's Program, Division of Hematology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine


Brian Koffman, MDCM, MS Ed

Co-Founder, Executive VP and Chief Medical Officer, CLL Society, Inc.


Carolyn Messner, DSW, BCD, FAPOS, FAOSW

Senior Director of Education and Training, CancerCare


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Workshop Date

This workshop was originally recorded on June 06, 2024.

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The information presented in this workshop is provided for your general information only. It is not intended as medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified health professionals who are aware of your specific situation. We encourage you to take information and questions back to your individual health care provider as a way of creating a dialogue and partnership about your cancer and your treatment.

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