Q. Are there any live video chat support groups available for people specifically with lung cancer? I'm trying to help a loved one find this type of support. Both live chat and lung cancer specific are important to her.
CancerCare offers two types of support groups, one is online and the other is via live, video chat. Our online support groups take place on a message board that is open to members 24/7 and you can post in the group whenever is convenient. The groups are moderated by an oncology social worker who provides support, resources and guides the conversation. Our online groups do not have a particular meeting time and do not include video chat or live chat functionality, such as Zoom. The groups that are offered via video chat are only available to those residing in NY and NJ, in accordance with our social work licensing laws. I have noted the link to our online group for lung cancer and our live chat, video group, depending on where your loved one lives:
Lung Cancer Patient Support Group - Online: https://www.cancercare.org/support_groups/2-lung_cancer_patient_support_group
Living With Cancer: Lung Cancer Patient Support Group - NY and NJ: https://www.cancercare.org/support_groups/73-living_with_cancer_lung_cancer_patient_support_group
CancerCare also has a partnership with a lung cancer advocacy organization called LUNGevity. They offer their own series of virtual support meetups for patients and caregivers. You can see the schedule and register by following this link: https://www.lungevity.org/for-patients-caregivers/support-services/virtual-meetups
LUNGevity also offers peer matching that might be helpful to your loved one. This allows a patient or caregiver to connect with another lung cancer patient or caregiver to get support and encouragement during their cancer journey. Here is the link to that program: https://www.lungevity.org/for-patients-caregivers/support-services/peer-to-peer-mentoring/lifeline-support-partners
I hope this information is helpful. If you would like more information about CancerCare programs or ideas about other support beyond CancerCare, I encourage you to call CancerCare’s Hopeline at 800-813-4673 for more immediate “live” guidance at any point in the future. All the calls are answered by oncology social workers who can offer information, support and resource referrals after learning a bit more about your situation and needs. Our Hopeline hours are Mondays through Thursdays 10 a.m. -5:45 p.m. ET and Fridays 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.