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Q. I've finished treatment and now I feel like I'm on my own. Are there things I should be doing?


Finishing cancer treatment often brings mixed feelings. A sense of relief and feelings of accomplishment are normal; so, too, is uncertainty about the future. Your instinct to prepare in some way for your survivorship is a good one. Here are some steps you can take to keep both your mind and your body healthy as you continue to work with your medical team.

Ask your doctor for a Treatment Summary. This should include:

  • Your type(s) of cancer with the date and stage at diagnosis
  • Types of treatment received (surgery, chemotherapy drugs, radiation doses and tests performed)
  • Complications experienced (side effects, transfusions, hospitalizations)
  • Other services used (physical therapy, acupuncture, herbal)

Discuss with your doctor what your Follow-Up Plan will be. This should include:

  • Future schedule of visits (time and date)
  • Who will deliver follow-up care (and where)
  • Tests that will be done and why (surveillance and preventative)
  • Assessment and treatment for long- or late-term effects (e.g., lymphedema, depression, pain)
  • Evaluation of current health behaviors and promotion of healthy life style

There are great resources available that can help you organize all of the above information. The LiveSTRONG Foundation has developed worksheets and a Survivorship Notebook. The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) provides information about Living Beyond Cancer.

You mentioned feeling “on your own” now that your treatment is complete. This is a common feeling when treatment ends, and it’s good to know about the different types of support available to you:

  • Professional support provides you with information, resources and counseling
  • Peer-to-Peer support reduces your sense of isolation and helps you connect with others who share similar concerns

To tap into these types of support, speak with an oncology social worker or join a post-treatment support group at CancerCare. A social worker can also help you identify local support services.

Finally, you might find it useful to listen to these Connect Education Workshops:

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