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The cost of cancer treatment can be very expensive even with insurance. Co-Payment Assistance Foundations are there to help with out-of-pocket expenses related to treatment. Below are several organizations that can help.

Nonprofit Programs For Co-Pay Relief

Each of these services has its own eligibility requirements. Please contact them directly to learn more.

CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation helps people afford copayments for chemotherapy and medicine for targeted treatment. This assistance helps make sure patients keep up with their care as much as possible. Visit or call 866-55-COPAY for more information.

Good Days helps patients with chronic medical conditions who have limited financial means. They can help get access to medications and other important resources. Their program helps qualified patients with insurance co-pays, health care premiums, diagnostic testing and travel costs related to treatment. Visit or call 877-968-7233 for more information.

HealthWell Foundation provides financial assistance to cover coinsurance, copayments, health care premiums, deductibles, pediatric treatment costs and travel expenses. If a person is eligible for health insurance, but cannot afford the insurance premium, HealthWell Foundation may also be able to help. Visit or call 800 675-8416 for more information.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Co-Pay Assistance Program offers a variety of services, including an Information Specialist Call Center, co-payment assistance and health care premium assistance. They also offer limited financial help for non-medical expenses, subject to available funding. Visit or call 877-557-2672 for more information.

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) helps patients obtain medication they could not otherwise afford, insurance premiums and co-pays. They have diagnostic testing assistance and travel assistance for clinical trials or consultation with disease specialists. Their Rare Caregiver Respite Program helps with respite care. Visit or call 800-999-6673 for more information.

Nonprofit Programs For Co-Pay Relief

Patient Access Network Foundation is dedicated to helping federally and commercially insured patients with their out-of-pocket expenses for prescribed medications, co-pays, health care premiums and travel expenses. Visit or call 866-316-7263 for more information.

Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) Co-Pay Relief Program has professional resource navigation services to assist patients. These case managers serve as liaisons between the patient and their insurer, employer or creditors to resolve insurance, job retention or debt crisis matters. Visit or call 866-512-3861 for more information.

Patient Services Incorporated is committed to providing financial support and guidance for qualified patients with specific, rare chronic diseases. They provide assistance for health care premiums, prescription and treatment co-pays and travel assistance. Visit or call 800-366-7741 for more information.

Edited by Shannon Coon, LMSW

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This fact sheet is supported by the Anna Fuller Fund, Bristol Myers Squibb and a grant from Genentech.

Last updated Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The information presented in this publication is provided for your general information only. It is not intended as medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified health professionals who are aware of your specific situation. We encourage you to take information and questions back to your individual health care provider as a way of creating a dialogue and partnership about your cancer and your treatment.

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