Resource Navigation
Learn more about how CancerCare Resource Navigation can help you address barriers to care.
Read or order our free Connect booklets and fact sheets offering easy-to-read information about the latest cancer treatments, managing side effects and coping with cancer.
For Any Cancer Diagnosis
- Ask CancerCare: Questions and Answers on Coping With Cancer
- Consejería para Lidiar Mejor con un diagnóstico de cáncer (Counseling to Better Cope With a Cancer Diagnosis)
- Coping With Cancer: Tools to Help You Live
- Counseling to Better Cope With a Cancer Diagnosis
- Counseling to Better Cope With Grief and Loss
Financial Assistance
Limited assistance from CancerCare is available to help with cancer-related costs.
Ask CancerCare
Every month, featured experts answer your questions about coping with cancer including specific answers to questions asked by caregivers.
For Any Cancer Diagnosis
- Q.
I've finished treatment and now I feel like I'm on my own. Are there things I should be doing?
- Q.
My dad was diagnosed with cancer last month. He and my mother live in another state, and I have a family of my own so I can't be there to help them out on a daily basis. What can I do to support them from far away?
- Q.
How can a cancer survivor deal with fear of recurrence?
- Q.
I'm a cancer survivor and am wondering if I should seek counseling now that my treatment has ended?
- Q.
I am a newly diagnosed cancer patient. Needless to say, I'm on an emotional roller coaster as my life has changed drastically. The side effects have cause multiple issues, many not directly treatable and as a result I worry and experience anxiety on a number of issues: relationships, fertility, reoccurring cancer, finances and life expectancy. My question is how does a cancer patient find a therapist/psychiatrist (particularly one with experience with cancer patients)? Secondly, should cancer patients see a therapist or a psychiatrist?
For Colorectal Cancer
- Q.
My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and I'm worried she is pulling away from those who care about her. I think it might be good for her to talk to others who've been diagnosed to get some guidance. Where should she go?
- Q.
I live in Queens, New York and my brother who has stage 4 colon cancer lives in Canada. I am one of his caregivers and he will be with me in New York for two weeks soon. Is there any way I can get counseling for him? He is depressed and has not coped well with his diagnosis.
For Breast Cancer
- Q.
I was diagnosed with DCIS last year and my family's reaction has been "it's not really cancer". It hurts me that during my biopsies, lumpectomies and radiation, no one asked how I was doing. How do I get over the disappointment with my family and manage the stress of my own diagnosis?
Specialized Programs
CancerCare offers specialized programs to address specific populations and concerns.
Coping Circle Workshops
Virtual educational and supportive workshops led by oncology social workers and qualified co-facilitators. These workshops cover numerous topics and are offered in English and Spanish.